Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss : How to do

 Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss : How to do 

( part01 )

We wanna share  with you the power of intermittent fasting K is a tool it's not a diet doesn't tell you what to eat it's a pattern of eating is a pattern of eating and not eating it's not about cutting calories it's just changing when you eat and when you don't eat okay so let's go to talk about so why would you want to do this anyway because it is one if not the most important factors in weight loss okay let's talk about why because it triggers two main hormones in your body the most powerful ones what is growth hormone which is anti aging and the most powerful fat burning hormone there are six is the most powerful fat burning hormone to protect your muscles to build not lean body mass and also just to lose actual fat okay and then you have been fun and sun is also a very powerful hormone in that it actually will help you store fat if you want to gain weight would you don't want to do that and you want to lose weight but here's the thing in the presence of insulin you cannot lose weight it's such a dominant hormone it will block growth on them so it's the hormone that makes you fat it's the hormone that gives you the gut if you see someone with a fat gut they have too much insulin so these are the two powerful hormones that you're going to influence now let's look at what's happening this tool for technique can really heal insulin resistance we have the pancreas pumping out way more insulin than you need five to seven times because what happens when you have too much insulin the cell start blocking it and then your body doesn't get to return communication so it's like to talk when your child and they have ear plugs you're going to increase your volume because the person is ignoring you there's no two-way communication so that the pancreas doesn't get the feedback that the insulin is conducting its sends more insulin through the channel to have a situation where you have resistance of insulin is not working low insulin in the cell low glucose but then you have high amounts of insulin other places which is very destructive causes prediabetes creates a lot of problems right and then graduating this way over time it's kind of like there's different levels of intermittent fasting from now we want to take it even further in really turn on the fat burning and we want to go to two meals but we want a window of Wednesday hours of fasting you know what that would do to your your waistline your stomach hours of fasting and only for our window of eating so we want we want to get up and wait until let's say 12 or 1 have the first meal and then have the next meal 4 hours later so let's say you get you eat at 1 then your next meal is at 5 so you have 4 hours there where you basically you ate but now you have 20 hours of serious fat burning if we'd then add in a minute exercise to that high intensity interval training then it's is over that would be the icing on the cake but maybe I shouldn't say potatoes to transition over to these different levels okay don't think it happens in a minute if you destroy your metabolism through diving or the HCG diet which is 500 calories or some other stress event then what's going to happen it's going to take some time to gradually kind of move over to the next one but you'll get comfortable we don't want you to be headachy and have a lot of side effects between the mail so you want it overtime in this this transition from here to hear could take you know three weeks but a month or two or even taking a longer but then you're really burning fat okay so I just wanted to cover what the power hold the power of this what it is and how you would do it starting here and gradually over here alright thanks for watching I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your amazing feedback that you guys are giving me it just wind blowing the successes the winds I created a link down below so you can actually type out your full success story and if you haven't before and after with weight loss that would be awesome if you don't have a success with weight but other things just put an image of yourself and your personal success story and I would love to read it and also share it with others so I wanted to say thank you in advance for doing that.

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